Stalker was intrigued by a spreadsheet from the Department of Ag in the North detailing Northern Ireland Priority Species, which included a fair few fungi you may never have heard of, including:Armillaria ectypa - marsh honey fungus; Clavaria zollingeri -violet coral fungus; Dencoeliopsis johnstonii - birch cup; Entoloma bloxamii -big blue pinkgill; Geoglossum atropurpureum -dark purple earthtongue; Hydnellum aurantiacum -orange tooth; Hydnellum concrescens -zoned tooth; Hydnellum spongiosipes -velvet tooth; Hygrocybe lacmus - grey waxcap; Hygrocybe ovina -blushing waxcap; Microglossum olivaceum -olive earthtongue; Phellodon melaleuca - grey tooth; Porploloma metapodium -mealy meadowcap; Trichoglossum walteri -short spored earthtongue.Stalker must admit to never having heard of most of these fungi before - but will be on the lookout for examples of the same in future forays!