Looking back at July 1991 Sylvan Spawn was the big news on the front page - simply its presence in Ireland!
The dawn of a new era as the front page advertisement put it. The work of Dave Seaby was being commended in the notes and mushroom adviser Debbie Moore was writing about quality in mushrooms - what it is, what affects it and how to maintain it.
Leaping forward to July 2001, Dave Seaby was writing about making the best use of compost, mushroom growers biggest expense. His contributions to the magazine and the industry were massive!
You could get a free digital compost thermometer with Amycel who were promoting their new Delta strain. Funny how that sets off different connotations nowadays.
Monaghan Mushrooms were in expansion mode with talk of a purpose-built compost facility in the offing for spring 2002 in partnership with Tipperary Co-Op. And preparations for the euro currency were afoot even in the North of the country - European matters dominating the scene run through the years like a seam in the rock. Margaret Anne O’Reilly was writing about Virus X and how to prevent it, and Carl Bozicek was calling on the importance of calibrating your grower equipment - in the bumper edition of that year!
July 2011 saw the exit of Henk Van Gerwen from the mushroom industry. The Italian mushroom industry was celebrating a 100 years of existence.
The census of mushroom production in the Republic of Ireland 2010 showed that the number of farms in the south had contracted again slightly.
The upcoming conference in October 2011 was well-tracked during that summer and the Xenon Corporation in Australia was firing ahead with vitamin D boosted mushroom trials.