With the upswing in vegetarian and vegan food philosophies of late, Stalker was reading about the company BOL which provides ready made meals into the UK multiples.
The company has a veggy ethos, and recently did away with dairy too in their offerings. Plant based food is the company’s mission - although Stalker reckons we are all plant based if you think about it - animals too.
Professor Joseph Poore from the department of zoology at Oxford University looked at the environmental impact of livestock on the planet. “ A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.”
With the rise of the lab based beef growing trend in the USA, the push seems to be on to change the food we eat. The mushroom industry is well positioned to fill in gaps in diet for those eschewing the meat options in future.