Turning into the first of the month of March and the weather was definitely the talking point.
The Beast from the East had arrived. Powdery snow, whipping up blizzards in a freezing nor’easterly wind - hello spring! The split in the polar vortex mentioned last month did indeed have the forecasted properties.The cold weather and decreased visibility had knock on effects on the economy throughout the UK and Ireland.
The UK economy was apparently losing £1 billion a day with the bad weather, according to media reports.. Stalker’s not sure what the relative figure for Ireland was and heard of no specific mushroom production or supply problems, but with farmers pouring milk down drains you can bet there was a high enough cost.
The big freeze was followed by the big thaw which also brought problems especially for water supplies especially in the Dublin vicinity.
The internet joke about a run on bread didn’t seem as funny as the conditions persisted.