Looking back at The Mushroom People archive, at one decade, two decades and three decades ago, can be instructive - noting themes and changes that happen within the industry. Stalker was intrigued at the exchange rate stories from early 2008 and early 1998.
In January 2008, it was noted that there had been a high of €1.50 = £1 sterling in August of the previous year. Then in January 2008 the exchange rate had hit a “low” of €1.30 = £1. That’s a relative low!
Looking back 10 years before that again there was a big item on exchange rates as the punt was devaluing against sterling in the run up to monetary union. Tony Blair was warning of a significant structural shock in the wake of single currency project.
Fast forward to today and sterling is once again rising and falling on every twist and turn of negotiations with the EU. Each round of haggling sends the currency spinning one way and another. Volatility seems to be the only certainty in currency matters.