Stalker often remarks on the joys to be had while out wild mushroom hunting, and this is definitely the season to be out.
There are plenty of pluses to the outdoor activity. Also though one reads of many people worldwide coming a cropper while out foraging. Bears, drugs smugglers, and wild cats have all featured in world wide stories of people meeting their end while out finding fungi. A recent, gruesome, story from Italy reported a decapitated forager.
In Ireland things are not so bad, as there are no large predators to attack foragers. However some smaller beasties are lurking which can cause mayhem. Stalker can report an incident where one fungiphile was struck down by Lyme’s disease after being bitten by an infected deer tick.
The woodlands can appear a benign environment, but there always lurk dangers on the natural world, and not always of a grizzly nature!