Stalker espied more stories in the business pages about the oncoming robot threat that workers face.
Only people in highly creative jobs are immune to the threat of automation according to new research on the UK labour market.
Nesta’s report Creativity versus Robots suggests that 40% of jobs in the UK could be fully automated. Hasan Bakhshi, director of creative economy at Nesta said: Public policy need to ensure that the workforce as a whole develops its creative skills, not just the privileged few.”
Stalker wonders if there’s any chance of that happening.
P.s. - Stalker has already been replaced by a robot – did anyone notice?
6/17/2015 10:35:23 AM Asking Mr Hasan Bakhshi
what parts are automated in mushroom industry ?
Hasan kashani / Mushroom Research Institute / , middle east / lebanon