Fans of management jargon and nonsense will enjoy the new tome by Yahoo marketing guru Seth Godin. The title of his new book is "Survival Is Not Enough". Many in the Irish mushroom industry might care to disagree even at the outset!
In this must have tome Seth explores the paralelles between "the proven tactics of evolution" and the workings of the business world.
"Change is the new normal",he writes. "rather than thinking of work as a series of stable times interrupted by moments of change, companies must now recognise work as constant change with only occasional moments of stability... as long as our world is instable, evolving business will win."
Wow, how new is this! Heraclitus of Ephesus was promulgating this line of thought circa 500 B.C. As he put it:
"Everything rests by changing. "
"All thing are in flux."
There's nothing new under the sun as they say. For more on the ancient wise one click on this link Pre-Socratic Thought