Stalker was surprised to see a newcomer to the Irish mushroom market – it came in the shape of a box - a Champy box.
The product was sold in Lidl for £2.99 and promised a harvest at least two to three times. The box pictured is a product produced by Producx, a Dutch company.
“Producx is passionate about the products it brings to the market. Everything made by Producx is selected, double-checked and distributed with the greatest of attention to detail. Because of this highly professional approach, Producx products are in a class apart.” After watering your Champy set and following a few simple instructions, you can expect to have your first flush within two weeks. The instructions say you can count on two or three harvests, and when finished you can use the left over compost and mycelium as a perfect fertilizer for your vegetable garden.. A hopeful Bon Appétit is also added. The box seems to indicate also that the produce will be organic.
Stalker is hoping to have the first flush mushrooms for Christmas dinner, but will be sure to buy some home grown Irish produce to be certain of some tasty mushrooms for the big festive feasting.