Just a note to advertisers running up to the Olympic games in London in 2012.
Under the 2006 London Olympic Games and Paralympics Games Act, normally innocuous words such as 'Game', 'Medals', 'Gold', '2012' and 'Summer' cannot be combined in any form of advertising around the Olympics, with anyone flouting the law facing a fine of up to £20,000.
For example: 'An advertisement for sun tan lotion, with the strapline "Get bronze in 2012" would be found to be in contravention of the Listed Expressions element of the Act.'
It all seems a bit mad - both the draconian nature of the law and even mention of the 2012 games, we haven’t even got to Christmas yet! However it is a pertinent little piece of legislation, even if it is completely mad. Caveat Advertiser as they never said in ancient Rome.
Stalker would love to hear any examples of mushroom advertising that might contravene the act - just for fun obviously.
We wouldn't want to be incurring the wrath of the Olympian gods and bringing down a £20K fine on our heads! Heaven forfend.