An item in Warwick The Magazine caught Stalker's eye this month. The magazine is the showcase magazine for the University of Warwick, featuring many interesting facts and factoids, and news on on-going research at the venerable institution.
Readers may remember that the mushroom picking robot was a product of Warwick research and Warwick HRI is a well-known well-spring of innovative mushrooming research.
Now, it seems, a study at the horticultural research arm Warwick HRI has revealed that recycled paper-based compost can help to fight plant disease.
Dr Ralph Noble's research showed that replacing around 20% of the volume of soil or peat by compost gave major disease control benefits, the magazine reports. The remarkable disease fighting properties are indeed a point of interest.
And it's good to know that one of the premier mushroom scientists in Europe is contiually making discoveries relating to the usefulness of compost.