Recent research from Teagasc has left agricultural commentators envisaging a future in which Irish farm machinery will be powered by sugar beet. Teagasc is urging farmers to consider using organic ways of powering tractors and other machinery with waste materials from their farms. Rising oil prices and uncertain future supplies will make "biomass" sources of energy necessary over the next 15 years.
The EU is calling for up to 25% of farm fuels to be substituted by 2020. " There will be opportunities for farmers to produce biomass for energy or to convert various farm by-products or residue materials for bio-fuels," said a Teagasc spokesman.
Ongoing research at Teagasc Oak Park, Carlow, has shown that the best prospects are bio-diesel from vegetable oil, or animal fat and ethanol from sugar beet to replace the existing additive used in petrol," he added.
Stalker notes that the "chip van" smell of vegetable oil has been thickening around and about the country more and more in these past few years.