Ficam W and Mushroom fly control: Some questions answered.
Amycel introduced Ficam W for control of mushroom flies at the beginning of the summer. The product has in that period gained an exceptional reputation, with the majority of growers having tried and been very happy with the results from Ficam W. During that period many growers have asked Amycel personnel many questions about the product. In this short article I will attempt to answer some of these questions.
Question: Will Ficam W control phorids? Answer: Yes, Ficam W will control phorids. In fact it should be very effective in phorid control as these flies are particularly active and are very likely to come in contact with the surfaces on which Ficam is sprayed. Of course Ficam W also controls the sciarid fly and many other insects, as it is a broad-spectrum insecticide.
Question: How long will Ficam W persist in the mushroom house? Answer: There are two application rates for Ficam W. The first rate is one sachet + 50 g sugar in 5 litres of water. This application rate can persist for up to 6 weeks. The second application rate is 2 sachets + 50g of sugar in 5 litres of water. This can last for up to 12 weeks.
Question: Can I store the already made up product in the sprayer until I need to use it again at a later stage? Answer: No, Ficam W cannot be stored in the sprayer. It will deactivate within a day or 2 of mixing and in practice should be used within a day of mixing.
Question: Can Ficam W be added through a power hose? Can it be added with a watering can? Answer; No. Ficam W can only be added with a knapsack sprayer or hand sprayer. It needs to be added at the correct pressure in order for it to stick to the surface (20/25lbs per square inch is the ideal pressure).
Question: Does the surface need to be completely dry before Ficam W is added? Answer: Yes, the surface of the house must be completely dry before Ficam W is added or it will not stick to the surface.
Question: Is Ficam W an approved chemical. Answer; Yes. Ficam W is approved for use in N. Ireland in empty food production areas.
Question: Can Ficam W be added at any stage during cropping? Answer: NO FICAM W CAN ONLY BE ADDED TO EMPTY MUSHROOM HOUSES PRIOR TO FILLING WITH COMPOST!
Question: Can Ficam W be added to blockhouses? Answer: Yes, Ficam W can be added to block surfaces.
Question: Is Ficam harmful to the environment. Answer: No, Ficam W is biodegradable. Ficam W is also non-staining, non-tainting and non-corrosive.
Questain: Is Ficam W a dangerous chemical? Answer: All chemicals are dangerous. Wear protective coveralls and gloves when applying and mixing. Wear eye protection when mixing and do not breathe the spray mist or otherwise wear respiratory protective equipment.
Question: Is Ficam the complete answer to fly control? Do I need to use any other products? Answer: Ficam is not the complete answer to fly control and we in Amycel do not make that claim. Ficam should be used as part of a fly control programme, which includes strict hygiene and other chemicals. In this context it is a very useful tool in fly control.
Question: When can the house be filled after application? Answer: Fill the crop when the product is dry on the surfaces (Approx. 2 hours after application).
Question: What is the active ingredient in Ficam W? Answer: Bendiocarb, a carbinate insecticide, is the active ingredient.
Question: How does Ficam W work? Answer: Ficam W works by absorption and ingestion of the active ingredient.
Question: Why is sugar added to Ficam W? Answer: Sugar is added to attract the flies to the product and also to help the product to stick to surfaces.
Question: Where else is Ficam W used? Answer: Ficam is used in and around buildings including houses, blocks of flats, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, ships, aircraft and food factories.
These are just some of the questions that we in Amycel have been asked about the product. I am quite sure that there are many more. If any grower has any other queries then please do not hesitate to contact any Amycel technical personnel.
5/19/2010 1:39:44 PM This product is no longer allowed in USA. Why is it allowed here?
Peter Jones, London
6/1/2010 11:28:10 PM In April 2010 the list of Approved Disinfectants for use in mushroom production, there are two products approved.
Disolite & Sporekill
ed., Ireland
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