Scheme Details: This scheme is intended to assist in increasing innovation and diversification in horticulture by grant aiding capital investments in specialised plant and equipment to micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the primary horticulture production.
The following investments in plant and equipment are examples of what is eligible, but this is not an exhaustive list:
plant and equipment to extract micro elements from plant produce to supply as ingredients in food production.
plant and equipment to produce protein isolates and concentrates.
processing and juicing/cider making equipment for apple growers.
dehydrators to process mushroom or broccoli powders.
automation equipment to improve the picking and processing (not packing) of produce.
Grant aid shall be paid at the maximum rate of 50% and 60% for Young Farmers and Registered Organic Growers subject to the specific eligibility requirements for each group being met.
How to Qualify The scheme is open to micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) active in primary horticulture production.
Applications should be made on an official Application Form and submitted with the required supporting documentation.
The deadline for receipt of completed applications by email is midnight Friday 23 August 2024.
Rates of Payment Aid will be payable at the maximum rate of 50% and 60% for Young Farmers and licensed Organic Growers subject to the specific eligibility requirements for each group being met.
The minimum investment which will be considered for grant aid is €10,000 excluding VAT.
Source: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, 19 July 2024