I have spent a lot of time helping growers to control temperatures this summer and this list is not exhaustive but it may be helpful. There may be some points that you have not thought or forgotten about, so I have reprinted the list for your benefit.
When phase 3 compost comes in hot, you can try some of these to help reduce it.
1. Empty compost tunnels at a lower temperature; 14-18C depending on transit time and outside ambient.
2. Delay casing by a day; if compost is at correct temperature then mycelium growth and pinning should be better and quicker than casing on hot beds, so you won't necessarily ‘lose’ a whole day.
3. Watering compost at filling can help cooling, but this must be managed carefully in conjunction with casing management
4. Use portable fans on the floor (with plastic duct) in case run rooms to create extra circulation in the room and make more even with less hot spots. Adding fine water spray can also help.
5. Full cooling and recirculation during heat of the day
6. Keep doors open wide at night to let the heat out.
7. Wet sides of trays or shelves with mist/light water to create evaporative cooling (without wetting compost and casing).
8. Watch what happens with watering on day 0; sometimes this can aggravate the temperature increase, but not always.
9. Reduce supplement rates in the compost and make sure it is evenly applied. If you don’t want to drop production consider adding liquid alternatives with a lower supplement rate or no supplement at all.
If you are using straight protein; consider Organic Gold which is 50- 60% of temperature in comparison.