Pesticide training for mushroom workers is being organised by Teagasc in 2012. To comply with new legislation being drawn up on the sustainable use of pesticides, all persons applying pesticides to crops will require a Pesticide Application Certificate.
There are two parts to the training:
Day 1:‘Safe Use of Pesticides’ course – one day.
Day 2:Morning: Pesticide application course: machinery calibration; calculations and measuring; demonstration; and, practice application. PPE required. Afternoon: FETAC-approved written exam on safe use of pesticides. The examination paper is available in Russian and English. Answers must be in English.
Day 3:FETAC application test. Time: two hours. The date, venue and translation/interpretation arrangements for this test are being discussed. To do the pesticide application test on Day 3, candidates must have passed the safe use exam on Day 2.
Days 1 and 2: June 15 and 22, 2012 Time: 9.30am-5.00pm Venue: Teagasc, Kinsealy Day 3: Details to be confirmed It would be useful if candidates have experience of pesticide application calculations.
Pesticide labels are in English and users must understand the label.
Language: assuming that most participants will be from Eastern Europe, and speak and write Russian, as in the last safe use course, a Russian-speaking interpreter will be present on Days 1 and 2.
The applicant will be familiar with the test requirements from Day 2.
Total cost: €220 + costs associated with testing on Day 3 (travel, interpreter, etc. – details to follow). To book a place on this course and the associated FETAC tests, please apply to Tom Kellegher or Gerry Walsh, Teagasc, before May 1, 2012.