It is important to note that the physical nature of the soap (sticking/trapping effect) is equally important as the chemical effect with relation to spores so are product is designed not to be washed down after application. We have Soil Association dispensation for non wash down as well.
SporeKill works well in this situation with electric fogging machines or compressed air misting systems, the finer the particle size the better. Fogging should precede any other emptying activity as it is the fine soap that traps spores and dust and prevents any further movement.
Washing down walls and floors
SporeKill works well on general washing down around the farm. The soap is insoluble on calcareous surfaces thus giving protection for a period. It importantly fills the tiny surface voids in concrete.
SporeKill is suitable for foot dips, the soap is thick at 2%, so any spores around will be stuck to the soap matrix on boots and trapped, as they dry the chemical action will damage the spore.
SporeKill is fine here because they are soaked for at least 8 hours, the alkalinity and exposure for this period will be effective as spores will be trapped in matrix. Always use fresh made up solution for each time you dip. SporeKill is permissable to come into contact with compost after cleaning being a PPP whereas phenols as biocides are not (see EU borderline document)
Machinery washdown
SporeKill is suitable for this as long as surfaces get a minimum of 8 hours to dry. Machinery must be under cover, no good if washed off!
End of Crop
Flooding the surface of the casing with SporeKill will help reduce aerial spores by its sticky physical effect prior to emptying. If left for 8-12 hours as chemical effect as it dries will enhance this further.
For dipping of wooden bed boards in a tank overnight follow the guidelines for nets. For quick dipping of trays and boards, allow SporeKill to dry off, typically 8-12 hours before use.
New development
We are currently testing a new product variant that will have a quick response time in efficacy for those farms wishing to wash down machinery just prior to use.