A Farm Walk, with Henk Van Gerwen, was recently held on the farm of Breda and Willie Delahunty in Cahir Co Tipperary.
This five house farm has been operating for the last five years supplying mushrooms into the Tipperary packhouse. They fill approximately 1700 blocks on two levels averaging out at 38 tonnes with 737 spawn.
There were 20 growers at the farm walk and all were impressed at the work that Breda had done with the picking. The quality and presentation were excellent and Henk commented that they were the best mushrooms he had seen in along time.
A comparison had been done with the best and worst picker over a given picking area and in one flush a difference had shown up of 242 lbs. This information enables effective training to be targeted at the right picker. It also showed what significant yield loss can be attributed to poor picking.
Spawn Run- 17-18 days. Compost temperature is not allowed above 26° C. Case Run- 7days applying 150-200 gals for the first 5 days.
Breaking- 5-6 days is taken to get compost to 21° C. Co2 2000- 2500 RH dropping for 96 –91%. This gives a good spread of pins for picking.
Picking- Air temperature 18° C. Co2 1200-1400 RH 86%
A variety of sizes are being left on the beds after each pick and by picking twice a day yield and quality are being maximized.
Watering- After 1st days pick if compost temperature is rising and also on the day before pick off and the day of pick off. More water is added after the first day’s pick of the second flush, and then again at pick off. No more water is added for the third flush.
There was a lot of interest in the control of Green Mould and the following points were made during the discussion.
Make sure all disease is covered and sprayed off with disinfectant before emptying.
Turn off all fans in spawn run tunnels while emptying is going on.
Do not empty infected blocks into the skip on farm, palletise, wrap and empty off site.
All clothing and shoes should be washed before operatives leave the farm.
Where possible operatives should shower before getting into new, clean clothes for filling.
Wash tunnel (with hot pressure washer if possible) paying particular attention to the legs of the staging and the hoops of the tunnel.
Disinfect all clean surfaces with environ prior to filling. Consider wrapping legs in cling film prior to putting into compost.
If breaks are taken during the filling operation ensure they are taken in a clean area.